1. Introduction
a. Customer Scenarios
b. Customer Service Entities and Record Types
2. Cases
a. Creating Case Records
b. Understanding the Process Ribbon and Menu Options
c. Case Resolution, Canceling and Deleting
d. Assigning Case Records
e. Other Actions on Cases From Forms and Views
f. Working with the Subject Tree
g. Working with the Case List and Views
3. Knowledge Base
a. Article Templates
b. Creating, Approving and Publishing Articles
c. Using and Searching the Knowledge Base
d. Cases and Knowledge Base Articles
e. Sending Knowledge Base Articles
4. Queue Management
a. Queue Management
5. Contracts
a. Contracts and Contract Templates
b. Creating and Working with Contracts
c. Using Contracts with Cases
6. Analysis, Reports and Goals
a. Customer Service Reports
b. Customer Service Charts and Dashboards
c. Customer Service Goals and Metrics
7. Service Scheduling
a. Service Scheduling Scenarios
b. Service Scheduling Terminology
c. Service Scheduling Process
d. Resources, Services and Selection Rules
e. Include Customer Preferences
f. Understand Sites and Same-Site Requirements
g. Manage Business Closures
h. Explain the Service Activity Scheduling Engine
i. Working with Service Activities and the Service Calendar
j. Close, Cancel, or Reschedule a Service Activity